Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Romeo and Juliet essay

A parent in the school district has complained about The Epic Romeo and Juliet Project that the freshmen at South are putting on. The parent is saying that this project wastes time. The parent has said it is not valuable, and that the kids should be reading and studying it, discussing the themes, ect. This project has LOTS of value. It is valuable because it helps you understand it. There are lots of different experiences. Kids are interacting with others. It is also memorable.  The things that the parent wants is good, but it is more valuable to do and act the play.   

                One of the reasons that doing the play is better is because by doing it; the kids understand the play more. It is 2010. This play was written hundreds of years ago. It is hard to read a book written of that language, especially for some high school kids. So, by acting it out, the kids get a better idea of how the story happened. The kids will understand the story by actually playing the characters in the story. Also, different experiences help you learn.

                Another reason that the kids acting out the play instead of doing it is because different experiences help you learn. By practicing the play and doing different things out of school, the kids learn. The kids learn by going to different kids houses, seeing kids that they don’t know, and learning new things about the kids in their classes. By doing this, it will help kids later in life when they are in the business world and they will have to interact with others. The kids have to know how to interact with people or they won’t get far in life.

                When the kids interact with others, they are getting more intelligent as far as street smart goes. If the class was sitting in class discussing themes and reading the play, they would not know how to talk to people regularly. Also, by interacting with others the kids can enjoy the class a little bit. Plus, by interacting with others the kids are moving and not just sitting on their desks all day. Can we say that there is an “overweight problem” in the United States of America? Interacting with others and going from place to place will help that problem. Sitting in desks will not. That is why interacting with others is a good thing to do. Those are not the main reasons though. The main reason is that it will be memorable. 

                This project will be a memorable one. By having a good time with classmates, going to different people’s houses, and putting on this play/movie. Those are times in one’s freshmen year that they will not forget. One will not remember sitting in a classroom all day and discussing themes. For the parent who complained about all this, he/she doesn’t remember discussing themes their freshmen year either. He/she remembers sports, plays, and other FUN things that they did. Those are the main reasons why the project is a good thing to do.   

                Getting to know each other, experiences, understanding the play, and the memories are all of the reasons that doing the play itself is better than just reading it. To be honest, reading the play and discussing the themes is worse than doing the play. How would the kids learn the play better? How would they get to know each other? Would they even remember this? Memory is the most important part of high school. Does one think they will look back and say” I’ll never forget when we read Romeo and Juliet. Discussing themes, talking about it, reading it for homework were just amazing.” Someone would probably remember the play more than the reading. That is why doing the play itself is WAY better than just reading it.  

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